Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Changes of the Season, and of Ways: An Update of the Year

My year of going green is turning out wonderfully, and getting to the point of me running out of new ideas. I keep searching high, and low of ways to be frugal, and help the environment. I am starting to get very creative. Now if the creativity could lead to re-modeling of the house, and of house repairs, I would be complete!

This year I made many goals, and have accomplished most.

My dryer is used about 2-3 times a week, and only for short stints. The longer a dryer runs the more energy it uses, and the thinner clothes get. Think about it, we always get lint off our clothes...that is from clothes rubbing thin! Clothes wear longer, and better when air-dried, especially elastic.

I still am using store bought detergent, but I use so little, that it is going to be awhile before I get to make my own. I am also looking for Fels-Naptha to make my own (reviews claim it to be the the best).

I only used fabric softner about once a week now too (on sheets, and blankets). This is because fabric softner is not as good as it claims to be. It is a fire hazard, and causes a film on clothes. I use Borax to soften the water, and Borax also helps with stains. So needless to say my 3 big bottles of softner will be used for mulitple purposes (watered down spray while ironing, room freshner, and clothes re-freshner).

I also make my own stain remover, or use dish soap/clear shampoo. This applies to my carpet shampooer too. I have not bought carpet solution in about a year.

I no longer buy cleaners, and I purely make my own. I even have made my cleaners smell delightful in the process (a few drops of essential oil). Others in the house no longer complain of the smell of white vinegar, but compliment on the wonderful smells after I am done cleaning. =) I have learned to love white vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, rubbing alcohol, and salt for cleaning purposes!

My compost area is built (chicken wire off the back of the privacy fence), and we are currently dumping in the garden to cover it for winter. I plan on racking leaves to cover the rest, and get the most use of the leaves.

There are many areas of going green I have accomplished, and many more I wish to explore.

Accomplished task include:
-energy efficient items around the house (bulbs, showerhead, faucets, toliet, etc.)
-no more paper towel
-making all my cleaners
-turning the heat down when it is cold, and air conditioner at 80 while it is hot outside (I only do these while my other half is at work).
-minimal use of lights
-packing daughter's lunch in re-usable containers
-re-using grocery bags
-feeding dogs scraps (and this was a hard one to do)
-re-using other side of school papers in the printer
-do not drink pop (cut back on aluminum)
-using my blinds properly to save energy (yes there is proper use)
-washing late at night or early morning, same to dishes
-read for entertainment, or go out with a friend with minimal use of money
-if I go to the gym I make sure I enjoy myself, relax in the sauna, make use of the shower (it saves on my water bill, and I pay for the gym membership) is like having a mini-vacation if the daughter is not present. I even work out with friends for social time
-always find multiple uses for the same item. I have become very creative.

My future goals
-make my own cloth towels to clean up messes
-hang energy curtain panels with my blinds for even more efficiency
-make my own hankies
-make my own place mats
-cut the water heater back (this is going to be a hard one)
-make my own detergent
-get rid of cable (this is more of a $ saver)
-eat more wholesome (though we are almost there)
-have a garden, and keep it going the WHOLE season.

I know there is more out there to going green, and saving the environment while saving the wallet...I just have to find it!

Going green is a very healthy, cleansing process. It makes me happy to know I am doing all I can to keep the earth clean.

I challenge all to do one thing that is resourceful, and beneficial to the environment! Take something from my list, or think of something new! I am sure what you chose will save money in the process!

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