Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day!

Today is the day to celebrate Mother Earth, and all the wonderful things she provides!

I started my own go Green thing in January, and despite the lack of blogs, I am still going strong.

Each month I try to make a pledge on what I can do to improve the environment, and my wallet.

I have even done something things at work that others have not noticed. ;)

My first thing I did was not to use the dryer so much...I am lucky to use it 3-5 times a week now (that is better than 15/+ uses).

Then I cut back on how much detergent I use, and I am still on the same big box since mid-December (and I do laundry for 3 plus 3 dogs). I also cut back on fabric softner, and just recently added water to make it stretch farther.

I then started finding multiple uses for items. Dryer sheets I dust with, I use holey socks to dust with too, bath towels I use to mop the kitchen floor (because my mop broke, and I decided to resort to old-fashion ways). I even use vinegar and water to mop my floor, and it works wonders!

I also have decided no more store bought cleaners, and I am trying to find homes for the ones that I do have left (I think I will take them to work). I started cleaning with baking soda, and vinegar (and my lungs thank me). I cannot handle the harshness of chemical cleaners anymore (and that is why they have to go). I use rubbing alcohol for marker stains on the floor, and counter tops, and lemon juice to cut through grease.

My next possible goal is homemade laundry detergent, but I do not know if I can part my ways with Tide w/ Bleach. I am going to try.

I have a slop bucket, and bin...and plan on making a pile out back with chicken wire, and poles. I have reduced my trash bags to 1 a week ( I used to use 3-4). Using a compost pile helps plants, and reproduce soil that we have lost through the years.

I have done many other things, but those are my little secrets that I may share when I am older and when others are more open to resourcefulness.

I feel if we all stop buying harsh chemicals to clean with; we would have less health issues, and environmental issues.

I also feel this about many other aspects that many feel they just cannot live without. I have learned to live without many everyday 'needs', and I am happy despite it all!

Happy Earth Day to all!

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